Century Of Lies is a weekly half-hour show focused on drug policy reform and the failed war on drugs. The show explores public health, criminal justice, social justice, and other policies related to drugs in the US and abroad, and includes news reports, commentary, interviews, and other recorded segments. Century of Lies is a production of the Drug Truth Network and is syndicated via the Pacifica Foundation Radio Network.
This week we speak with the scholar, researcher, and writer Chris Bennett
about spirituality, mysticism, and the roles played by cannabis and other
entheogens in human development.
Chris Bennett
Drug War Facts: Entheogens
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This week we talk with Steve Rolles of the Transform Drug Policy Foundation
(UK) about marijuana law reform, the 2016 US general election, and
international drug control policy reform.
Transform Drug Policy Foundation
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This week we look at the present and future of marijuana policy in the US
with our special guest drug policy reform activist and marijuana policy
expert Sam Chapman with New Economy Consulting.
Sam is a founding member of New Economy Consulting LLC, a firm based in
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This week we listen as the New Mexico State Legislature considers heroin
treatment as a policy alternative, plus the US government stops the sale of
thousands of rifles to the Philippine National Police #BoycottThePhilippines.
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Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte went to Beijing for talks this week. The
Chinese government had previously declared its support for Duterte's campaign
of murder and violence under the guise of a war on drugs. This week, a joint
statement from the two governments announ...
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On Thursday October 6th, the Third Committee of the United Nations General
Assembly, otherwise known as the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural
Committee, met to discuss two resolutions dealing with criminal justice and
drug control policy. Representatives from a number of m...
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This week we hear more about King County, Seattle, Washington's plan to set
up two supervised drug consumption facilities, plus we talk with hemp
activist Courtney Moran, legalization activist Jodie Emery, and Project PC's
Megan Holt.
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King County, Seattle, Washington, will soon have two supervised drug
consumption facilities. That recommendation is part of a final report by King
County's Heroin and Prescription Opiate Task Force, which released its final
report on Thursday Sept. 15. King County Executive...
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