Century Of Lies is a weekly half-hour show focused on drug policy reform and the failed war on drugs. The show explores public health, criminal justice, social justice, and other policies related to drugs in the US and abroad, and includes news reports, commentary, interviews, and other recorded segments. Century of Lies is a production of the Drug Truth Network and is syndicated via the Pacifica Foundation Radio Network.
This week we learn about the state of medical marijuana in Washington state
post-502, featuring audio from patient advocate Alison Bigelow, former state
legislator Jeanne Kohl-Welles, and more.
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This week is part three of our Seattle Hempfest Special. Susan Squibb (The
Cannabis Maven), Shango Los (Ganjapreneur.com), David Nott (Reason
Foundation), Dominic Corva (Center for the Study of Cannabis and Social
Policy), and Century host Doug McVay talk about cannabis and...
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This week on part two of our Seattle Hempfest special: reform beyond
Washington state, with audio from Jodie Emery (Canada), Keith Saunders
(MA/NH), Rachel Kurtz (OR), Danielle Muggli (MT), and Serra Frank (ID).
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This week we come to you live from Seattle Hempfest! We hear from travel guru
Rick Steves, Hempfest honchos Vivian McPeak and John Davis, reformer and hemp
advocate Joy Beckerman, plus activist and entrepreneur Alison Draisin.
Seattle Hempfest
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This week, we talk with Rick Doblin from the Multidisciplinary Association or
Psychedelic Studies about the DEA's new rules on cultivating marijuana for
research purposes; and we talk with Lorenzo Jones, co-director of the Katal
Center, about police in the community and eff...
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Seattle Hempfest is August 19-21 this year! This week we look at marijuana
legalization, and how medical, adult social (recreational), and spiritual
uses of marijuana can co-exist.
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This week we attended Summer Fair, a free marijuana expo in Portland, Oregon,
and spoke with noted author and marijuana grow expert Jorge Cervantes,
attorney and agricultural best practices expert Chris Van Hook of Clean Green
Certification, and Portland area entrepreneur a...
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This week: Senator Tim Kaine talks about states as laboratories of democracy,
and asks whether marijuana legalization has impacted heroin production; Sen.
Ed Markey talks about overdose deaths, and asks whether the administration
has been ignoring Fentanyl coming in from Ch...
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This week: Congress finalizes the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act,
the Veterans Affairs department releases a new estimate of veteran suicides
-- 20 per day in 2014 -- and we speak with the authors of new research
showing that medical marijuana laws are associated ...
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