Tom Becker hosts this episode of the Old Mole, and we hear:
1. Bill Resnick and peace activist Bruce Gagnon discuss US military power in
the "post-primacy world";
2. Laurie Mercier talks with Michael Hone...
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Bill Resnick interviews Phyllis Bennis about U.S. entanglements with Saudi
Arabia, Israel, Russia, and the proxy wars in the Middle East. Author of
eleven books, including the recent Understanding ISIS & the New Global War
on Terror, Bennis directs the New Internationalism ...
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On this especially varied hour, Bill Resnick hosts, and we hear these
Jan Haaken talks with psychoanalyst, professor, and author Jill Gentile about
Bill Resnick talks with Bob Peterson about attacks on public education
Frann Michel finds solace in th...
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Bill Resnick talks with Bob Peterson, a founder of Rethinking Schools
magazine and former president of the Milwaukee Teachers' Education
Association, who blogs at Educate for Democracy. They discuss attacks on
public education, the history of vouchers and charter schools...
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Bill Resnick and Jeff Huntz discuss the debts of punks like Jello Biafra to
radical folk like Phil Ochs.
You can hear the original Phil Ochs version of Love Me I'm a Liberal here,
and the Jello Biafra / Mojo Nixon cover version here.
Image of Phil Ochs By Kenneth Tash...
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Bill Resnick welcomes PCUN's co-founder Larry Kleinman to the KBOO studio to
discuss the history of the fight for immigration rights and today's
resistance movements.
from the New York Times:
Senate Begins ‘Wild’ Week of Debate on Immigration, Outcome Unknown
With th...
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Bill Resnick hosts this Martin Luther King day. In addition to the songs of
Woody Guthrie and Bill's comments about them, we hear:
California fires, floods, mudslides, loss of life. But California will
recover. Probably not Puerto Rico and many undeveloped countries.
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Bill Resnick talks with John Foran about how inequality shapes climate change
and the fall-out of natural disasters, from Santa Barbara to Puerto Rico and
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Bill Resnick hosts, and we hear
Joshua Holland on how to get to Universal Health Care in the US
Cecelia Towner of BLM on responding to race & gender violence in Clark
Movie Moles on Family, Gender, & Capitalism in Miracle on 34th St (1947)
Musical excerpts:...
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Bill Resnick talks with Joshua Holland, who argues that current bills for
single payer or Medicare for All are not tactically the best route to
universal comprehensive health care for all. His recent article in The Nation
lays out his vision.
Photo by Joe Newman.
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