The West Wing produced yet another scene of paranoia and incompetence last
week, this time around Trump's abrupt firing of FBI Director James Comey. Jan
Haaken and Mike Snedeker talk about this most recent drama and what's at
stake for progressives as we mobilize in the mid...
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Bill Resnick interviews Alex Diamond, who has taught school in Asia and Latin
America, about his experience teaching in a poor school in Memphis,
Tennessee. Among the issues they discuss is the impact on teachers and
students of standardized testing used as a criterion for ...
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Tod Sloan hosts this episode of the Old Mole and we hear--
1. Alex Diamond talks with Bill Resnick about his experience teaching in a
poor schools in Memphis.
2. Desiree Hellegers reads from a history of how the bodies of people of
color were used to study and teach anat...
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Bill Resnick talks with Jody Wiser about the struggle for more progressive
tax policies in Oregon. Jody Wiser is a founder of Tax Fairness Oregon.
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Bill Resnick interviews Mark Dudzic, National Coordinator of Labor for Single
Payer Health Care. Dudzic contends that the states are creating models for
Medicare for All, that could provide every U.S. resident with higher quality
care at less cost and with better outcomes t...
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Bill Resnick hosts this episode and we hear:
Joe Clement talks to Zak Wear about how Rent Control was won in Richmond
Jan Haaken and Mike Snedecker talk about immigration and Trump's travel ban
Bill talks with Alex Dejung about right-wing populism in the Nether...
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Bill Resnick talks with Alex de Jong* from the Netherlands about right-wing
populism in the Netherlands. They consider how globalization has affected the
Dutch working-class, the shift to the right in government, but also the
failure of the right-wing candidate, Geert Wilde...
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Bill Resnick talks with evolutionary biologists Rob Wallace about capitalism
and agriculture, and specifically how agribusiness creates epidemics. Rob's
books include "Big Farms Make Bird Flu" and "Neoliberal Ebola". He is in town
speaking about his work at the First Unitar...
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Bill Resnick concludes his three-part interview with Bill Smaldone, on
whether the U.S. is implementing a totalitarian state, and how to resist
Trumpism. The first parts can be found HERE.
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