Kerry Taylor talks with the Old Mole's Bill Resnick about how low wage
workers in South Carolina are fighting for the $15 minimum wage and for
justice and dignity. Kerry Taylor is an associate professor of history at
The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina. He specializes...
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Bill Resnick talks with Arthur Stamoulis, director of the national Citizens
Trade Campaign, about trade policy.
The Oregon Chapter will be holding a Town Hall on NAFTA on Thursday August
10 at 7:30pm at AFSCME Council 75 (6025 E Burnside St.).
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Bill Resnick talks with Richard Smith about the future and China's role in
shaping it, specifically the environmental impact of China's explosive
economic growth and the government's productivist policies. The problem is
not just with China though. Richard argues for a r...
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Bill Resnick talks with Tom Athanasiou, author of Divided Planet, about
what's happening, and what needs to happen, to challenge climate
change. After Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Paris Accords, will the
international "community," particularly China and England, take me...
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Richmond Vice Mayor Jovanka Beckles tells how the Richmond Progressive
Alliance won political power in Richmond, California. Recorded at the
Portland Troublemakers School and produced by Denise Morris.
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The abolition of slavery was seen as an assault on property rights, and so it
was, as millions of enslaved people valued in the billions of dollars ceased
to be property on June 19, 1865 (Juneteenth). This constituted a radical
change that points the way towards aboli...
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The superb short fiction author, Maile Meloy, takes us on a luxury cruise
ship down he coast of South America, pointing out the radical differences in
wealth between the ship’s passengers and crew. When the two American
couples and their children go ashore for a day’...
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Bill Resnick is our host for this edition of the Mole which includes these
1. Tom Athanasiou talks with Bill Resnick about policies and movements
necessary to deal with climate change.
2. Jovanka Beckles explains how the Richmond Progressive Alliance won in
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Clayton Morgareidge hosts, with music from Weather Report and these segments:
Bill Resnick talks with Mark Weisbrot about Labour gains in the UK Elections.
Desiree Hellegers brings voices from the last hearing on the proposed Tesoro
Clayton explores why our so...
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The West Wing produced yet another scene of paranoia and incompetence last
week, this time around Trump's abrupt firing of FBI Director James Comey. Jan
Haaken and Mike Snedeker talk about this most recent drama and what's at
stake for progressives as we mobilize in the mid...
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