Please join us on Monday, August 28th at 6:30 pm for Prison Pipeline on KBOO
Community Radio as we talk with Kirk Charlton about his new book Art Inside
Out. Art Inside Out is a twelve-lesson, self-directed art program with
insights for a positive life. The original AIO co...
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Please join us for Transpositive on KBOO Community Radio on Tuesday, August
15th as we discuss current events. This week we will be discussing the
rider which Marjorie Taylor Green tried to attach to the military
appropriations legislation recently passed in Congress.
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Please join us on Monday, July 31st at 6:30 pm for Prison Pipeline on KBOO
Community Radio as we talk with Brenda Kiehlmeier about the case of her son
Joel Atkin who was arrested and charged with third degree homicide despite
calling 911 and asking for help from a person he...
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Please join us on Monday, July 24th at 6:30 pm for Prison Pipeline on KBOO
Community Radio as we talk with Penny Hess. Penny Hess is the chairperson
of the African People’s Solidarity Committee, an organization of white
people organizing in solidarity with the movement for...
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Please join us on Tuesday, July 18th at 6:00 pm for Transpositive PDX on KBOO
Community Radio 90.7fm as we talk with Gene Turner about his new book about
transgender trailblazers titled "A Trans Through Time."
Born in 1961, author Gene Turner knew at age 5 that he was diffe...
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Please join us on Tuesday, July 11th at 6:00pm for Transpositive PDX on KBOO
Community Radio 90.7fm as we talk with Debra Porta of Pride NW about the
annual Portland Pride Festival July 15th and 16th on the Portland Waterfront
and the Pride Parade July 16th as well as the T...
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Please join us on Monday, July 10th at 6:30 pm for Prison Pipeline on KBOO
Community Radio as we talk with Wesley Todd, who was incarcerated for
attempting to smuggle drugs across an international border. He testifies to
his experiences in many federal prisons he was trans...
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