Jan Haaken talks with Sophie Smith about Scott Warren who was charged with
giving aid to two Honduran Refugees. Sophie Smith works with People Helping
People in the Border Zone at Arivaca, Arizona.
image via http://phparivaca.org
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Jan Haaken talks with Diana Meisenhelter and Brandon Zero of Extinction
Rebellion Portland about the city’s climate action plan and plans by
Portland’s Extinction Rebellion to attend the Portland City Council meeting
Thursday Dec 12 at 2pm and to gather at 4pm outisde City...
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It's veterans' day on the Old Mole with host Thom Becker and:
Refusal to Obey: Bill Resnick interviews Garrett Reppenhagen of Veteran’s
for Peace
How Vets Changed the Military: Tom Becker reads from an article by Kevin Basl
in Counterpunch
Fiction Review: Larry Bowlden re...
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Bill Resnick talks with Garett Reppenhagen, National Director of Veteran’s
for Peace, about the organization, its radical and democratic impulse, and
about the history and current significance of the soldier’s duty to disobey
illegal orders. Reppenhagen is a veteran of the ...
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Tom Becker reads from an article in Counterpunch by Kevin Basl - "How
Veterans Changed the Military and Rebuilt the Middle Class”, which explores
the history of veteran-led anti-war protest and the fight to get a better
deal for vets.
1932 “Bonus Army” protest by WWI veter...
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Frann Michel and Jan Haaken discuss institutional strengths and challenges at
the Veteran’s Administration health care system.
Image by GettyImages
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Denise Morris interviews Jan Haaken about her documentary film, Mindzone,
which follows therapists in a Combat Stress Control unit as they carry out
two conflicting missions: protecting soldiers from battle fatigue and keeping
these same soldiers in the fight.
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Having battled in himself for the past decade or so a rather stiff prejudice
against best sellers, book mole Larry Bowlden is happy to recommend two
popular authors and their 2019 novels. Ann Patchet for her very perceptive
novel about families, The Dutch House. And Alice H...
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In their Left and the Law segment, Jan Haaken and Mike Snedeker review the
bankruptcy case of Pacific Gas and Electric, the investor-owned utility
responsible for over 1500 fires, a number of fire-related deaths, and power
outages in California, and how this bankruptcy case...
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Thom Becker hosts this episode of the Old Mole including segments:
Street Journalism: Bill Resnick interviews former KBOO news director Lisa
Loving on the craft and importance of local journalism.
Flooding on Yankton Sioux Reservation: Desiree Hellegers and Roben White
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