Bill Resnick speaks with labor journalist Michael Hirsch about working within
reform movements toward revolutionary ends. Hirsch writes about labor and
politics and is a member of the editorial board of New Politics.
Graphic courtesy of Nation of Change.
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Thom Becker hosts this edition of the Old Mole, and we hear:
1. Bill Resnick talks with John T. James about the extent and the causes of
fatal medical errors.
2. Frann Michel discusses Earth Strike.
3. How and why the capital-labor struggle disappeared from political
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Bill Resnick interviews John T. James who discusses the tragic toll and how
to avoid medical errors.areas. James is the author of A Sea of Broken
Hearts: Patient Rights in a Dangerous, Profit-Driven Health Care System.
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In the 1950s and 60s, political and economic commentary was about the
struggle between labor and capital. Not now. Why? Thom Becker reads from Rob
Urie’s article in CounterPunch arguing that that capitalism has attempted
and largely succeeded in co-opting and compromising a...
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Larry Bowlden reviews Hyeonseo Lee’s The Girl With Seven Names, a memoir
about the author's young life in North Korea, which she was taught to regard
as the best and most prosperous country in the world. Almost by accident, she
found herself in China and then began a lon...
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Bill Resnick congratulates the Oregonian for its expose of the Oregon Dept of
Environmental Quality, the Oregon Legislature, and the companies who
successfully demand the right to bathe us in dangerous pollution. He disputes
that this happens mostly as a product of campaign...
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Thom Becker hosts this episode and we hear:
Bill Resnick and Howie Hawkins talk about campaigning for a Green New
Deal in New York
Clayton Morgareidge comments on how capitalism and white supremacy sustain
each other
Denise Morris and Victoria discuss Roma, a new film fro...
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Dismayed by the bipartisan praise for George HW Bush following his death on
November 30th, Denise Morris weighs the moral imperative not to speak ill of
the dead against the importance and responsibility to speak the truth about
the deeds of powerful public figures. For mor...
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On October 28, the extreme right-wing politician Jair Bolsonaro was elected
as Brazil's next President. Bolsonaro has praised Brazil's 20-year military
dictatorship and threatened his political opponents with jail or exile. Dan
Jaffee speaks with Dr. Flavia Braga Vieira a...
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