Our Left and the Law team, Jan Haaken and Mike Snedeker, give us an update
on the Juliana vs United States government case--the civil lawsuit filed by
17 young people in Oregon against the US government. The case argues that
government inaction on the climate crisis is depr...
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Bill Resnick talks with Elizabeth Theil, vice-president of the Portland
Association of Teachers, on the state-wide teachers’ walkout Wednesday, May
8th, to protest chronic underfunding and demand adequate resources.
Local actions in Portland begin at 8:30 am and converge...
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Bill Resnick talks with Christina Harris, SEIU organizer for Portland Park
and Recreation workers, on the importance of city parks and community
centers, and the absurdity of such a wealthy city not spending the resources
it has on the well-being of its residents.
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Jan Haaken talks with Marianna Coles-Curtis, a poet and organizer, about a
recent court victory for immigration activists on the University of Arizona
campus, where activism led to trumped-up charges being dropped against
students protesting the Border Patrol.
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Thom Becker hosts this episode about political and budget priorities and the
power of action in solidarity:
Interview with Elizabeth Theil, vice-president of the Portland Association of
Teachers, on the state-wide teachers strike this Wednesday, May 8th.
Interview with ...
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Jan Haaken talks with Mary DeMocker, climate activist and author of The
Parents’Guide to Climate Revolution: 100 Ways to Build a Fossil-Free
Future, Raise Empowered Kids, and Still Get a Good Night’s Sleep.
She'll be speaking Tuesday, May 7, 2019 7:00 – 8:45 pm at Havura...
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Tom Becker hosts today's program which includes:
Reform and Revolution: An interview with Michael Hirsh on reform vs.
Labor and the Green New Deal: A reading from the Jacobin website entitled
"Organizing to Win a Green New Deal."
The Anthropocene: A reading fro...
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Bill Resnick speaks with labor journalist Michael Hirsch about working within
reform movements toward revolutionary ends. Hirsch writes about labor and
politics and is a member of the editorial board of New Politics.
Graphic courtesy of Nation of Change.
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Clayton Morgareidge reads excerpts from Jane McAlevey’s piece on the
Jacobin Magazine website, “Organizing to Win a Green New Deal.” It shows
how the role of labor is essential to the climate struggle. Jane
McAlvey has been an organizer and negotiator in the labor movement ...
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All of written human history and the rise of civilization has taken place
within the Holocene Age, which commenced at the end of the last ice age. It
was an age of relatively stable climate and comparatively little geological
upheaval. Geological scientists are now suggesti...
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